Environment & Public Health

Food Premise Inspections

All food businesses within South Australia are subject to routine food inspections by an Environmental Health Officer. Within the District Council of Franklin Harbour these inspections are undertaken on a random unannounced basis and the frequency of the inspections are determined using a risk rating approach.

Under the Food Act 2001, all businesses selling food are required to notify council.

Please click here to download a Food Business Notification Form



Private Property
District ratepayers wishing to remove or trim trees on their own private property must do so at their own expense.
Council PropertyTrees or limbs of trees which are a traffic hazard or a danger to pedestrians on a public road, will be removed by Council or in a manner approved by Council.
District residents wishing to remove trees from any road reserve or place other than their own property should contact Council, as prior written approval from Council must be obtained before any action is taken.


Planting of trees in district township streets and roads will be considered by Council subject to:

  • Written application being made to Council or the relevant authority for approval.
  • Trees and shrubs to be planted must be selected from the list provided by Council as being suitable for street planting.
Seed Collecting

Only registered seed collectors are permitted to collect seeds from district road reserves. Contact Council for more information.